Before Starting To Work With PostgreSQL
Who starts to work with PostgreSQL on Linux has a bad initial experience doing the first authentication. The installation process of this database server creates a SO
user, the postgres
, which has super user access, able to do all initial steps of a beginner programmer, like to create users and databases. But, how can we use this user if we don’t know its password?
I followed the steps below, which was compiled from different Google’s sources:
change to the root user or a sudo user, who is able to change to another user without informing its password:
# su root
or jump step 2 doing:
# sudo su postgres
change to the Postgres user:
# su postgres
create a database server user with the same username of yours:
# createuser -d -r -s -P (your_user_name)
This command will create a database server super user, able to create new databases and roles. The command will request a password and then the user will be created.
change to your user:
# su (your_user_name)
execute the command to create a database:
# createdb (database-name)