James Gosling Will Open Jazoon ’09
I won’t be able to attend Jazoon’09 this time. Instead, I’m going to present a research paper in a conference held in Saint Petersburg, Russia. You know, I’m a researcher at this moment and this kind of conference has more priority for me. I’ve attended Jazoon’07 and Jazoon’08 and I do recommend Jazoon’09 for you. In 2008 I even gave a talk there, representing my Java User Group, which was indeed a great moment for me.
Zurich is great, the weather is perfect and people are nice. You’re gonna have fun there, for sure. I feel bad for not going this year because I miss Christian Frey, Jazoon’s General Manager, who is a great person. He is that kind of person who is really committed to make everything perfect for you even with all difficulties. I also miss my dear friend Felipe Gaúcho, who is a great Java professional working in Zurich, Switzerland. You will find him at Jazoon for sure, drinking a lot of beers. Btw, the beer is for free there ;).
This year James Gosling, the creator of the Java language, will be the opening-keynote speaker of the conference. I’ve met James in the last edition of JavaPolis in 2007 (Now it is called Devoxx). It’s really nice to shake his hand, say hello and take some pictures. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the guy who created the language that gave you a great job!
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